剛好看到美國網站介紹做冰雪奇緣禮服用了Michael Miller Fairy Frost , 其實這一系列的布出好一陣子, 也一直推出不同色系的燙金布。以前對於偏銀白燙金布無感, 因為不會用。直到廸士尼的 Frozen出來, 迷死一堆小女孩, 學校也都播DVD, 教小朋友唱 Let it go。Michael Miller 直接標榜 Ice Princess Party Dress 用布, 這下子 Fairy Frost系列藍色系布大翻紅。
洪小么堅持要藍藍的、綠綠的湖水藍才是艾莎用布。我挑了 Fairy Frost Luna 淡藍綠色系燙金布,真的很美,洪小么看了好開心。我只買一碼, 真的不太夠, 裙襬無法做得很澎鬆。
洪小么堅持要藍藍的、綠綠的湖水藍才是艾莎用布。我挑了 Fairy Frost Luna 淡藍綠色系燙金布,真的很美,洪小么看了好開心。我只買一碼, 真的不太夠, 裙襬無法做得很澎鬆。
胸線的部份, 正對正, 反相曲線車合 (就是一凹一凸) , 我第一次車, 真的好難啊~ 腰線的下三角, 我只下修 2-3cm, 取的角度不夠, 做出來的 [假] 腰線不明顯, 覺得至少要 5cm才夠。
I planned to make the pattern for my daughter, but it would take too much time. In stead, I transferred an existing dress pattern to another piece of paper and altered the design to what I wanted. There are 3 pieces of each of front and back, two for tops and one for bottom for each of front and back. That's for sleeveless dress.
I copied the top from an A line dress pattern, and then I cut the top into two pieces. I added more width to the bottom of the A line dress to create a new pattern of bottom.
胸線的部份, 正對正, 反相曲線車合 (就是一凹一凸) , 我第一次車, 真的好難啊~ 腰線的下三角, 我只下修 2-3cm, 取的角度不夠, 做出來的 [假] 腰線不明顯, 覺得至少要 5cm才夠。
I planned to make the pattern for my daughter, but it would take too much time. In stead, I transferred an existing dress pattern to another piece of paper and altered the design to what I wanted. There are 3 pieces of each of front and back, two for tops and one for bottom for each of front and back. That's for sleeveless dress.
I copied the top from an A line dress pattern, and then I cut the top into two pieces. I added more width to the bottom of the A line dress to create a new pattern of bottom.
我不想用薄紗布做上衣,穿起來不舒服,又怕洪小么過敏。幸好昨天去永樂找到燙金米白色天絲棉布,整個顔色就是搭,Bling Bling~ 又好穿。又找到水藍色燙金薄紗、銀蔥寳藍色裝飾帶。
PS 為何是 Queen Elsa, 而不是Princess Elsa, 因為Elsa當公主時, 穿別件禮服, 穿這件禮服時, 已成了冰后了。