

五分袖寬鬆棉T [Free Size of Simple T-Shirt]

[Not a tutorial, but just sharing]


雖說簡單,但繪圖、製版、裁布也不少時間。所以,全程來不及拍照, 用文字說明好了...。以下尺寸不全然跟書相同, 是我依記憶約略畫出來的, 供參考而已。

1.) 基本上前後片是長方形, 布料褶雙後(double the fabric) 的尺寸為 29cm W x 60cm L

2.) 簡易地依尺寸畫出領口及肩線, 說真的, 原本書上的前後片, 領口線一樣,
     只有前後片肩線略差1cm。結果, 我偷懶把前後片全裁一樣尺寸。

It's a free size of simple T-shirt. I did not change the line of shoulder of each of front and back, which diamension was supposedly a bit different. However, I don't feel unconfortable even I used the same diamension for both front and back. I believe that'll be subject to personal requirement.

3.) 車縫步驟 [Sew Steps]:
      a.) 先車縫肩線 (Sew shoulders)
           I used overlocker Brother M-3034D to hem the shoulders and two sides for front and back.

      b.) 領口包布邊 (Binding the neck)
           The neck was binded with stripe inside.
      c.) 由止縫點往下車縫兩脇邊 (Sew the green line of front and back)
      d.) 袖口包布邊 (Binding the sleeves)
          I cut a stripe of the knit fabric (width 5cm) to bind the sleeves. 
      e.) 下襬收邊, 可單純內折收邊, 或加蕾絲裝飾收邊 (Can hem the bottom, or decorate with lace)

我不是很喜歡蕾絲的, 但最近車了一些簡易棉T, 想說稍加變化一下。我比較不喜歡棉蕾絲, 下水會縮捲, 用前陣子在永樂買到的布蕾絲比較不會有縮水問題, 效果也還不錯。

I don't particularly go for lace. Since I have sewn a few pieces of simple T-shirt, I decided to decorate the bottom with lace. A small change makes things different.

又有新衣服穿了, 好開心~

I spent one night for this small project.


