我很喜歡那塊日本牛仔布料, 放著不穿實在太浪費, 完全違背我學縫紉的 Be a frugal mom 目標 [其實是想玩玩衣物修改]。終於忍不住, 昨晚花了半小時把去年做的A字裙拿出來動剪嘞~
1.) 首先拿出打版課的筆記, 再確定一下我的尺寸計算方式。
2.) 依需要的尺寸, 畫上新的車縫線 Draw new lines per your size
3.) 車好新的裙側線後, 記得先試穿看看, 免得動了剪刀後才知道發生挽回不了的"杯具"。
After you sew the new lines, do try it before you cut off the extra fabric.
4.) 試穿OK, 就剪掉不要的部份。老實說, 一剪下去, 感覺好~ ~ "爽"。
Once the size fits you, you can cut off the extra fabric.
5.) 如果沒有拷克機, 就用Z字車縫, 以免布邊線頭一直掉。
If you do not have a serger, you could use zig zag stitch along with raw edges of both sides and bottom side. Stitch the hem of the bottom side.
6.) 完成後, 阿媽裙不見了, 看起來小多嘞...
Okay~ The alteration is done.
7.) 記得之前比對過我的A字裙套版與自製版尺寸差異照片嗎? 現在2件尺寸一樣嘞...
I made the blue skirt from a free pattern on a sewing book which is obviously too big for me.
I decidied to alter it after I learnt how to create my own pattern.
It's a enjoyable work to alter skirts for yourself.
Hope you enjoy it as well. ^_^